Frequent Flyer Chronicle

This blog, starts as my personal Stories collection, written during the flights back home - after finishing my mails... I hope that with the assistance of fellow readers and other Frequent Flyers - this could evolve as a fun to read, virtual and somehow educational place to go.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Shoes for Imelda?

A month ago I flew to Manila, Philippines.

It was basically my first time there, trying to grasp the level of business my company is doing there. We have a small subsidiary, with the team shown below headed by Mon (2nd left, front row) which reports to me. Target of my trip was basic introductions with our major customers, motivation of our people and intro with the local culture. Being in such situations in the past I never forget to take my small digital is always usefull to plant pictures of your peole in a motivation presentation for few laughters..

During the day I walked arround dressed like I am dressed in Europe: a suit and a tie... due to my own special size, the hit and the thick humidity - I really suffered and looked for a better solution...Very fast I learnt that it is pretty respectful to wear the local dress called Barong... a much more comfortable, national local dress. Moreover, a foreigner using it shows even greater respect to the local culture, and therefore is respected even more! It took me a while to find my size but finally I bought two of them with Mon's (my country manager) assistance.

During the day, our agent asked me if I would like to join him to the annual Israel independence day celebration, and I answered positively. You know, we have to mingle and to create my own network within the local community....its part of the job..also I really wanted to talk with other Israeli company representatives sharing ideas and learning about the market. I verified with my agent (Dov) that it is Ok to go with the Barong - and only after being assured that not only its customary but also shows your respect to the local - I answered positively.

The event was conducted in the lucrative Intercontinental hotel... the coktail room was fool of people... being with Dov I was very soon introduced to the ambassador ( from right to left:Yehoshua Sagi -the Ambassador, his wife Hana, Dov and myself with the Barong..). Afterwards we went to the speaking room. One of the honorary speakers was DR. ALBERTO G. ROMULO , secretary of filipino foreign affairs. He told the audience that the the Philippines was one of the countries that allowed the jews to enter his country during the holocaust...which was quite new and surprising for me. Later on we listened to some sad Morocoean music ( it was a big flop since it was quite melancholic while everybody (and at least me and Dov) expects a vivid music in a country independence day..).

Then we went out for the cocktail.
I noticed many people gathering arround a very impressive, not so young but still well preserved lady. Asking Dov who is she - I learned that she was the very famous Imelda Marcos. My wife has a large shoes collection and sometimes, just to teasing her - I call her Imelda...:-).
I saw here a lifetime opportunity of getting a picture with Imelda to show my wife... but how could I ? she is not a Telecom or IT customer ?

Still - I decided to act upon this opportunity.
Depositing the camera (with full instructions) with Dov, I asked the ambassador to introduce me to her, which he did. I said some words of appreciation to the fact the Filipino's opened the gate for the jews in World War 2, and few other words... total may be 40 seconds of warm interaction with her including a joint picture taken by Dov. The lady was probably quite excited since somehow my words touched her. When handing my hand for a goodbye, she suddenly hugged me and gave me a kiss....! (unfortunately due to the sudden experience Dov did not photograph that..)

Well, this is the real thing....
Its not that we (Imelda & me..) will be friends or something. But, still that made me quite excited myself of the Filipino warm nature...never in my life I would imagine to be hugged by the first lady of a country, an ex beauty queen (at least she was... and still is very much respected) in my first, or even my Thousand visit in any country...

I sent the picture later on by email to some friends and of course to my wife.. they all asked me why didn't we take pictures of her shoes... :-)

Although the lady's past record is under dispute in the Philippines, later on I used this picture and story to break the ice with few of the most important people in the Philippines. Its a great story to start a meeting with a Filipino; he is then yours for the rest of the business meeting....


Blogger Yigal Chamish said...

Hi Tuvia

Great to read you post. Good luck with your new blog. Here you can read my comment:

I am sure that tonight you will find half an hour on the plane to post one of your global stories,

Take care


June 24, 2006 5:11 AM  

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